Input from the top, output on the sides. Rewrote language system to use java Properties files. Tuners and Surveyors now inhibit block activation when used. Added getHardness method to ITrackInstance. Added multiplier for Fuel to Steam Conversion values. Locomotives shouldn't forget Emblems when broken. railcraft mod 1.3.2

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Minecarts now rock when taking damage in SMP harder than it looked, had to fix a few major flaws in my code that were preventing me from doing client side minecart code.

railcraft mod 1.3.2

Locomotive Detector now accepts vanilla Dyes railcrat addition to Wool for specifying the color. Existing tracks should be converted automatically. Added Iceman's Backpack, it can pick up and compress Snowballs into blocks and it can also mdo used to re supply you with a steady stream of Snowballs. New recipe for the Feed Station. The way the system works is that push and pull requests can only pass through carts that allow them to be passed.

RailCraft Mod for Minecraft | Minecraft Forum

Rolling Machine crafting changed slightly to reflect the changes to IRecipe. Posts now connect to Signs. Train Railraft no longer crashes with a Stack Overflow. Collisions should be less bouncy and Steamcarts should work a tad better. Potential fix for Train Lockdown track grabbing the middle of trains on chunk load. Renamed Stone Lamps to Stone Lanterns.

railcraft mod 1.3.2

The network changes required some changes to the Track API. Added Steam Oven, a 2x2x2 Multi-block structure that uses Steam to smelt items.

Railcraft Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2 (Rails, Carts, Tracks and Structures)

Right clicking a cart with a Crowbar will now smack the cart and give it some momentum. The Bore now spits items out the back instead of the front.

Inverted Feed Station redstone behavior so that it is correctly disabled when powered, oops. Crowbars take damage again when rotating things and opening GUIs.

Added Routing Table for defining Routing rules. Join us on our mumble server: Any Utility items will disappear from your world, place them before updating.

This mode is similar to Transfer, but will move any number of items matching the filter. Added Dual-Head Distant Signal. Added Train version of the Lockdown Track.

Steam Turbine recipe now produces 3 blocks instead of 2. Adjusted Chestcart drag rate was causing the cart to explode on slopes at high speed for some strange reason. Improve High Speed explosion logic to take into account the comparison of Train objects. Fix Track Layer not dropping items and expand valid replaceable blocks contribution by Yopu.

Added Elevator Rails uses new block id - original code and concept by DizzyDragon. Night, I am in charge of the Technical, server mods side of things.

Mod Update: Computronics 1.3.1 & 1.3.2

The bonus was Railcraft related loot drops in Dungeon chests. Convert the Tunnel Bore into a multipart entity to allow for more fine railvraft control of the collision box.

Come join the fun! World Anchors should move correctly with RP Frames now. Converted a few Steel Ingot recipes that were missed to Ore Dictionary recipes.


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